$49.00 USD

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Public Speaking & Motivational Speaking

DUAL CERTIFICATE Public Speaking and Motivational Speaking Course Content:


  • Introduction
  • Types of Public Speaking
  • Who can be a Public Speaker
    • Session-1: Before the Stage
      • Lesson-1: Introduction
      • Lesson-2: The Big What
      • Lesson-3: The Whom
      • Lesson-4: The Why
      • Lesson-5: Topic Selection
      • Lesson-6: Problem Solving
      • Lesson-7: Specialty
      • Lesson-8: Write your Speech Down
      • Lesson-9: Your Script
      • Lesson-10: Visual and Audio Aids
      • Lesson-11: Toastmasters
      • Lesson-12: Take Action and Practice
      • Lesson-13: The Experts
      • Lesson-14: Reading
      • Lesson-15: Power of Recording
      • Lesson-16: Body Language
      • Lesson-17: The Pauses
      • Lesson-18: Cliches
      • Lesson-19: Vocabulary
    • Session-2: On The Stage
      • Lesson-1: Acknowledge
      • Lesson-2: Greet
      • Lesson-3: Grab Attention
      • Lesson-4: Eye Contact
      • Lesson-5: Questions
      • Lesson-6: Be Interactive
      • Lesson-7: The Confusion?
      • Lesson-8: Hands Movement
      • Lesson-9: Smile and Facial Gestures
      • Lesson-10: Accustom
      • Lesson-11: Empathy
      • Lesson-12: How to Handle the Fear of Speaking
      • Lesson-13: Story
      • Lesson-14: Humor
      • Lesson-15: PowerPoint Presentations
      • Lesson-16: Experts’ Opinion
      • Lesson-17: The Mistakes
      • Lesson-18: Style
      • Lesson-19: The Voice
      • Lesson-20: Reflection
      • Lesson-21: Is Your Talk Understandable
      • Lesson-22: The Time
      • Lesson-23: The Closing

Module-2: Motivational Speaking Components

You will learn the style, body Language, the tonality, the rules of speaking, and many other things.

This is the most comprehensive course on Motivational Speaking and covers all aspect of becoming not just an eloquent speaker but an outstanding motivational speaker.

What will you learn?

  • How to be a Motivational Speaker
    • Lesson-1: Introduction
    • Lesson-2: What is Motivation
    • Lesson-3: What can a Motivational Speaker Do?
    • Lesson-4: The Types of Motivational Speakers
    • Lesson-5: Define your Areas of Expertise
    • Lesson-6: Decision
    • Lesson-7: Start With Yourself
    • Lesson-8: The Content
    • Lesson-9: Learn to Write Your Speech
    • Lesson-10: More and More in Less and Less
    • Lesson-11: Practice
    • Lesson-12: The Rule of 10
    • Lesson-13: Empathy
    • Lesson-14: Humor
    • Lesson-15: Tonality
    • Lesson-16: Pause
    • Lesson-17: Body Language
    • Lesson-18: Facial Expression
    • Lesson-19: Storytelling
    • Lesson-20: Visual Aids and Props – My Philosophy
    • Lesson-21: It is not about you
    • Lesson-22: I don’t have the voice
    • Lesson-23: More and More Value
    • Lesson-24: Watch Your Own Videos
    • Lesson-25: The Kaizen Principle
    • Lesson-26: Learn from Others
    • Lesson-27: First Learn to Speak
    • Lesson-28: How to Find Opportunities to Speak
    • Lesson-29: Your Social Media Presence
    • Lesson-30: The Testimonials
    • Lesson-31: Your Best Marketing Tool
    • Lesson-32: Conclusion


  • If there is one skill that can have the most impact on your life and your career is, the Public Speaking skill.
  • This training will make you more confident.
  • It will help you increase your self-esteem.
  • Make you a confident speaker.
  • You will be able to talk to anyone of any title and status after this training.
  • It will train you on different aspects of speaking.
  • This will help you ace any job interview in the future.
  • The training will make you more charismatic
  • More Job opportunities
  • More success in interview
  • More interview calls
  • Be able to present in front of a crowd
  • Be able to motivate others and your ownsef
  • Get more paid speaking opportunities
  • Possibility of being hired as a speaker or motivational speaker
  • Your certificate can show the employers and clients your authority on Motivational speaking
  • Now no one can say you are a fake motivational speaker when you have a certificate backing your skills
  • Nothing can be better than getting trained by an Internationally renowned speaker, a TEDx speaker, and a speaking contest winner Dr. Hassaan Tohid

If you don’t know who Dr. Tohid is:

Dr. Hassaan Tohid MBBS, SUDCC, CCATP is a TEDx Speaker, Entrepreneur, Neuroscientist, Board Certified Addiction Counselor, Certified Life Coach, Certified NLP Practitioner(Assoc.) and a Published author.

He has a career with three domains. An entrepreneur, an academic (neuroscientist, and a teacher), and a clinician (Addiction treatment).

As an entrepreneur, he is the founder of the California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences and Psychology. Where he leads the organization as the CEO. He is a trainer, a coach, and a teacher. His training includes Public Speaking, Research Writing and Research Data Analysis, Business training and coaching, life coaching, and Sales.

As an academic he is a Neuroscientist and delivered a TED talk on his specialty Mirror Neurons at TEDx UCDavissf. He has published over 40 scientific articles and written 3 books.

A clinician with substance use disorder treatment specialty. Dr. Tohid graduated as a medical doctor and chose mental health and substance use disorder as a domain of his clinical career.