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Public Speaking

Learn how to influence people, speak confidently and effectively in public.

If you struggle with the fear of public speaking (sometimes known as stage freight), this course developed by Dr. Hassaan Tohid, a 2 time TEDx speaker will help you conquer that fear  and shoot for new heights in your career.

The fear of public speaking is one of the most common phobia’s people have.

Infact, studies show over 76% of people on earth have this common fear.

This course will help you:

  • Strengthen Your Oral Communication Skills: Oral communication is the ability to communicate verbally. Public speaking is a form of oral communication.

This improved public speaking course will help you communicate better and effectively. Whether you’re on stage or in your every-day communications with colleagues and friends.

  • Improves Your Chances Of Getting Hired: Another benefit of getting this public course is that it can improve your chance of getting hired. Communication skills are in high demand by employers. This includes oral and written communication skills.

A 2020 study by CNBC found that employer’s value job candidates with great communication skills.

What better way to improve your communication skills by getting this course today?

  • Makes You More Aware Of How Others Perceive You: One of the benefits of public speaking is that you’ll become more aware of how others perceive you. If you know how people perceive you, you can easily work on changing it.
  • This Public Speaking Course Will Help You Improve Your: Voice tone, Posture, Gestures, , humor mechanisms and improve your style.

Which can be found in Lessons: 8- 19.

  • Develop Better Writing Skills: Did you know public speaking can help you improve your writing skills?

Good writing skills can lead to better assignments at work and good grades in school

Start Your Course Today

Being a public speaker is highly rewarding and a lucrative profession and we look forward to sharing our work with you.

This Training Covers Core Areas To Successful Public Speaking;

  • Command, which is all about taking charge of your stage and room, exerting your authority as an expert on the topic and directing the flow of the event.
  • Communication, which includes expressing your message effectively and using body language and gestures for effectively delivery.
  • Engagement, which includes connecting with your audience, using standard professional presentation public speaking techniques to enhance proper understanding of everything you say.
  • Story telling, which includes how to weave out powerful stories that drive home your message and keep your audience spell bound.

Who Is This Course For??

Anyone who wants to be a public speaker or facilitator and has a message to share.

  • Life coaches, counselors, consultants, teachers or professionals and students.
  • Corporate executives and trainers.
  • Workshop presenters.
  • Seminar and meeting facilitators.
  • Sales and marketing presenters.
  • Managers and human resource


  • Introduction
  • Types of Public Speaking
  • Who can be a Public Speaker
    • Module-1: Before the Stage
      • Lesson-1: Introduction
      • Lesson-2: The Big What
      • Lesson-3: The Whom
      • Lesson-4: The Why
      • Lesson-5: Topic Selection
      • Lesson-6: Problem Solving
      • Lesson-7: Specialty
      • Lesson-8: Write your Speech Down
      • Lesson-9: Your Script
      • Lesson-10: Visual and Audio Aids
      • Lesson-11: Toastmasters
      • Lesson-12: Take Action and Practice
      • Lesson-13: The Experts
      • Lesson-14: Reading
      • Lesson-15: Power of Recording
      • Lesson-16: Body Language
      • Lesson-17: The Pauses
      • Lesson-18: Cliches
      • Lesson-19: Vocabulary
    • Module-2: On The Stage
      • Lesson-1: Acknowledge
      • Lesson-2: Greet
      • Lesson-3: Grab Attention
      • Lesson-4: Eye Contact
      • Lesson-5: Questions
      • Lesson-6: Be Interactive
      • Lesson-7: The Confusion?
      • Lesson-8: Hands Movement
      • Lesson-9: Smile and Facial Gestures
      • Lesson-10: Accustom
      • Lesson-11: Empathy
      • Lesson-12: How to Handle the Fear of Speaking
      • Lesson-13: Story
      • Lesson-14: Humor
      • Lesson-15: PowerPoint Presentations
      • Lesson-16: Experts’ Opinion
      • Lesson-17: The Mistakes
      • Lesson-18: Style
      • Lesson-19: The Voice
      • Lesson-20: Reflection
      • Lesson-21: Is Your Talk Understandable
      • Lesson-22: The Time
      • Lesson-23: The Closing
  • Conclusion