$49.00 USD

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Statistics for Research - Short

The features are

1- Hands on SPSS training

This will make you totally distinct. Knowing SPSS will make your CV immensely strong.

2- Data-Analysis (Basic to intermediate)- The robust training on Data Analysis will make you capable to analyze any data. This will make you totally distinct as a researcher. This skill provides more job opportunities for you.

3- The Letter of Recommendation (No online Statics Training in the World will provide you with the LoR). When you apply for jobs, the employers will be highly impressed by the LoR. If you are applying for the US residency, the LoR will be uploaded to your ERAS application.

4- Certificate of Completion (Soft and Hard Both Certificates will be provided). Not many trainings will provide both certificates with no extra cost. We ship the hard copy certificate to you with no extra cost to you.

5- Reference from CiBNP- it means after you join the training we will talk to your next future employer over the phone call or through email. No other training will provide this feature.

6- One year free consultation, career guidance and coaching. This unique feature is the part of the program. If you feel stuck and need guidance, we will provide that for you.

7- Hands-On SPSS training. This will provide you will real life experience of working on the SPSS software with your mentor live where you can learn the skill under supervision.

8- The ability to read an understand any research article. Reading and understanding any research article after this training will not be an issue for you.

9- Three years of affiliation and membership with the institute (This will provide you with the access to our online library and discount features for other programs)

10- Independence Of Statistics and Data Analysis (our goal is that you should not need us anymore in the future)


The benefits of the Two Month SPSS and Statistics Program are tremendous. The benefits are as follows

• A life time achievement of learning Statistics and SPSS software.

• More job interviews

• More opportunities

• You will be preferred over others wherever you go.

• Increase chances of residency in the US

• Increase chances of fellowship
And so many uncountable benefits

• Increase chances of residency in California

• More respect in life and career

• Chances to be hired as lecturer/assistant professor/associate professor/full professor

• Increased chances to be hired as a scientist/Assistant Researcher/Associate Researcher/Research Fellow.

• This not only open doors for you as a clinician but opens more doors for you in the university, pharmaceutical, and corporate world.

• More confidence and self-esteem after learning the difficult skill of Statistics and SPSS

• More feeling of success

• More guidance and clarity about the future

• Life long friends in the form of dedicated classmates

• A certificate to hang on your wall and to put on your CV.

• More chances of learning because of long term affiliation with the institute

• California name on your CV will do wonders for you for your future